Role of Pet owners for prevention of cruelty to animal

According to the constitution of India, an apartment should not ban the keeping of animals in an apartment and the Section 11 (3) states Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act, 1960. It is also against article 51 A (g) of the Indian Constitution wherein, it is the duty of every citizen to have compassion towards animals, living creatures and improve the natural environment.

  • Owners should avoid their pets being teased by children and others. This angers the animal causing untoward instances for no fault of the animal.

  • The dog owner must make sure that their pet is not causing any nuisance in the neighborhood.

  • Residents keeping domestic animals or other pets shall abide by the Municipal Sanitary Bye-Laws or Regulations.

  • Ensure that certain strict rules and regulations are followed so that no one is inconvenienced or affected

  • Even on walks within the premises or in any other common area, the animal has to be on a leash and accompanied by the owner at all times.

  • It makes sense to go through the rules of residential complexes before renting a flat.

  • In an apartment block, you have scores of people walking in and out, from maids to milkman to children. It is essential to train the dogs so that they don’t get provoked on seeing neighbours and workers.

  • Ensure that your pet does not become a nuisance to others

  • It needs to be toilet trained and taught some amount of discipline.

  • Ensure that your pet does not cause inconvenience for others.

  • Ensure that your pet does not fight with others pets.

  • The Dog owner must get his / her dog vaccinated against rabies regularly as per the advice of a Veterinary Surgeon.

  • The Dog owner must keep his dog under control at all times and should leash while taking it out for a walk.

  • Dog owners shall get their dogs regularly checked by the Veterinary Surgeons & ensure that they do not suffer from any infectious disease.

  • In case of change of ownership of the dog, the Licence should be submitted to the concerned Ward Office for updating.

  • Please submit all necessary documents while renewing the Licence.

  • Licence should be cancelled in case of death or if the dog is lost.

  • Licence Fee for the remaining period under such circumstances will not be refunded.

  • Licence is not transferable. However, ownership of the said dog is transferable.

  • Owners are especially requested to ensure that their dog is not a nuisance to others.

  • Owners must ensure proper disposal or clean-up of their dog’s litter (poop), failure of which will be punishable as per Model Sanitation By-Laws of the Municipal Corporation Act (Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata & Ghaziabad). Dog owners must carry a poop-scooper when taking their dogs out for a walk.

  • If the owner does not clean up their dog’s litter, they may be fined Rs. 500 for Pet Animal Littering as per the Cleanliness and Sanitation By-Laws of the Municipal Corporation Act (Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata & Ghaziabad).

  • Owners will be required to keep the corporation informed of address changes and update records under the corporation every year. This includes directions to not let the dog loose in a public street or public place and always have the dog secured with a leash. The policy also states that the owner shall be responsible for all actions of the dog, including causing nuisance or harm to any person.

By Laws With Respect to Street Dogs:

  • Beating and driving away street dogs is not allowed.

  • Capturing street dogs for birth control or other medication related measures is allowed but they must be released back into the same locality.

  • There is now law barring any Indian resident to feed stray dogs. Feeding is equated as a compassionate feeling and is highly supported by the higher courts.

  • Beating street dogs comes under the animal cruelty at as is a punishable offence under Section 428 and 429 of the Indian penal code.

  • Hostility or aggressive behavior that may lead pets to embrace an aggressive behavior is not allowed.